Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thought for the week

If you're going to be a monkey then act and dress like one.

So is there a word for being affected by not actually struck by lightning? Last night an electrical storm blew very quickly; the first thing I know of it is George the cat leaping out of the window and skittering across the room. I call to the boys to shut off the computer downstairs, unplug the laptop and Chris starts to shut down the computer right here in my room. He goes downstairs and wham, it looked and felt like the lightning came right in through the still open window. There was this tremendous burst of light and energy and there was a pop from somewhere and all the pressure in my head eased up and I got a bad pain in my leg (which looks fine so I don't know what happened.)

The whole room had that strange buzzing/humming feel you get when you're around a lot of electricity. Cul was in the other room and he felt it but had trouble describing it.

So we started checking things out and the cable modem was fried and so is Cullen's computer. Maybe the router, it's not working but that could be from something else.

Of course I was on deadline for my column last night and I had to get the BrokerWire newsletter ready to go because I was taking this morning off to go to Cameron's special award program for the graduating 8th graders. It was quite the stressful evening.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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