Followup on lightning strike
It appears as though the lightning came through the cable, taking out various pieces of equipment along the way. The cable modem is burnt up. That leads to the Linksys router, which is working in weird ways. The internet port and port four are burnt up. Port four was what was connecting to Cullen's computer. Cullen's computer is fried, whether that means the motherboard or just the power supply switch thingy we don't really know.
Oddly the cable TV box is fine but we have a splitter and it looks like the electricity ignored the TV side of the splitter and went for the equipment that was actually running. This storm came up awful quick, I can't stress that enough.
And I can't really describe how odd it was to be in a room full of electricity, the whole place was humming and felt alive and my head felt clearer than it had in years. Downside is I got a headache shortly after that has yet to go away and has been ranging into the oh please shoot me and put me out of my misery pain levels. Hopefully things will settle down soon.
Meanwhile Cullen is watching a fair amount of Star Trek NG as we try and figure out how to get him back online. (Today Spot turned into an iguana and Picard was on his way to becoming a lemur or a pygmy marmoset. Good times.)
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