Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm falling apart

I had a mammogram last week and my skin tore from the metal that they use to smash your breasts flat. Yesterday I moved my leg and a crack broke open in the fold of my knee. Plus I still have this big stupid cough. As I was getting ready for bed a big blister popped at the back of my throat and I threw up a bunch of blood. Then when I brushed my teeth it was painfully clear that I have a thrush infection on my tongue.

I went to the doctor and she said I have to go and see a nutritionist. Between avoiding vitamin k because of the blood clot medicine, avoiding A and D additives because it makes PTC worse, not going out in the sun because Diamox makes me burn even faster (probably resulting in a burn before I go outside) I've got a vitamin deficiency. But it's worse than that because Diamox pulls potassium out of my system. In short I'm a mess and I've got start eating, I can't keep on skipping two or all meals a day.

And of course I have to treat the thrush which is a side effect of an antibiotic I had to take. It's frustrating to have to take a medicine because of another medicine. It's a never ending cycle.

Edited to add - I forgot to say that the other reason I got the thrush was becuase of this medicine called Advair. It's an inhaled steroid and it can lead to thrush all by itself. You have to rinse your mouth out after you use it but I always forget. So there you go, the double whammy.


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