Sunday, July 23, 2006

Away for a bit

I've been sick since last Tuesday, for pretty stupid reasons. I had a tooth that was in danger of breaking so I had to have some work done on it and I got very stressed out and was in so much pain I had to go to the ER where I had a reaction to the medicine they gave me. I missed a day of work (my first for sickness since I had the last spinal tap) and have been feeling wretched and vomiting a lot.

On the plus side I've been having some really amazing dreams. Last night I was touring with a theater company and ended up in a place with alligators (or crocodiles?) jumping out of the water catching the fish that were jumping out of the water. I was rather surprised by the sheer athleticism of the alligators but then this enormous thing that was the size of a schoolbus appeared and started eating the alligators, chomping them out of the air with glee and huge, snaggletoothed jaws.

I told my friend I was pretty sure these things had died out about fifty million years ago but she said no, they are local and you see them a lot. Then a baby zebra was running around so I brought it inside so it would be safe from the dinosaur/dragon thingie. It was quite fluffy and pure white as it was the kind that gets their stripes later - yes I know, but it was a dream you can't expect too much logic can you?


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