Wednesday, November 01, 2006

NaNoWriMo Take Four

I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year, my fourth in a row. I'm going to try and write the book I meant to write last year, the one about the woman who goes a little crazy and tries to kidnap an actor, only to have him hold her hostage instead.

I started it a little after midnight and have 2325 words so far. That's pretty good I think. So far the hardest part is not stopping and rewriting as I go along. I think it's a good exercise for me.

In other news I read a book Miss Snark sent me called Mother's Milk by Edwarde St. Aubyn. It was extremely good but left me feeling a little blue when it was over. But then I've been a little blue for the last month or so anyway, residual sadness over John M. Ford's death.

In the good news area I heard from my friend vorpal today and he's making a short film that looks like a lot of fun. I'll post more details later as I get them.


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