Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oh boy

There are some choice quotes in this article about Germany killing the last remaining wild bear.

Bruno, a bear who had romped across southern Germany since migrating over the Alps from Italy six weeks ago

I've seen some people post who would consider this a strong immigration policy.

They said the bear had failed to show enough fear or respect for humans

Doesn't that make you think of those old sitcoms? "Ve haff vays of making you respect us!"

The last straw for officials came over the weekend. On Saturday, the bear stood up on his hind legs and snarled at three overly curious hikers who saw him in the woods and tried to follow him, but got too close. Later that day, officials gave the go-ahead to a team of hunters.

So isn't it the other way around? Didn't th people fail to show enough fear or respect of bears? I mean really.


At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bear was shot last autum - and heck - it turned into a major drama which nearly ended in revolution. There were "Bear Bruno puppets", "Bear Bruno T-Shirts", "Bear Bruno Websites", "Bear Bruno Song" ect.

May the poor animal rest in Bear Heaven.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Georgiana said...

Yes it's an old story, from June. I've got something like 1400 emails I didn't read over the last year and I'm slowly wading through them. I tend to zip through my mail thinking I'll read that one later but then don't take the time.

Thanks for the follow-up to the story, good to know. I can just imagine Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler at the front of the drama with his t-shirts and puppets and pies and such.


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