Friday, October 19, 2007

From Dusk til Dawn

The first time I saw this film I thought that Quentin Tarintino had two halves of scripts lying around, one a gangster film and the other a vampire film, and he kind of mashed them together and ended up with a big mess. But when I watch it again, almost a decade later, I like it more and the lumpy seams aren't as obvious to me.

Cullen bought an XBox 360 today and is blissing out on Halo three. I'm still slogging through these Anita Blake books. They're awfully grating but not as bad as some other series I have read. I'm up to Blue Moon right now. It's got more of a plot than the one that came before it, which seemed to be mostly about sex. I'm a bit worried about the ones coming up that I've heard called "pure porn." If I think Burnt Offerings was light on plot and heavy on sex I can only imagine what the latest ones must be like. But that's why I'm reading this series. Because I keep hearing about how awful it's become and how Anita has been degraded and I can't join in the conversations until I read them for myself.

Chris' cat George goes to the vet in the morning for shots and hopefully that will be the last visit for six months or so.


At 10:55 PM, Blogger juslilbitty said...

Hello... Im kind of new to Blogger and just wanted to pop in and say hey. I love QT movies. I think my favs have got to be the Kill Bill's.From dusk till dawn scared the pants off me but Im a big sissy anyways. lol..have agreat weekend.


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