Friday, March 28, 2008

The trouble with book covers

I took Cam to the doctor yesterday for his allergy shot, which means we were sitting in the waiting room for half an hour waiting to see if he was going to turn blue and fall out. He was reading Thud, by Terry Pratchett and I was reading the above book, Staked by J. F. Lewis.

I take my glasses off when I read and hold the book about three inches from my face, so I can see the letters clearly without getting a headache. (I have scarring in my eyes from the bleeding and papilledema I had when I was first diagnosed with Intracranial Hypertension, which does funny things to my vision like make straight lines look like they have speed bumps in the middle.)

So all that means whatever cover of my book is very much on display. That's usually cool and can lead to some interesting conversation. But Cam gets his allergy shots at the pediatrician's office and there were a lot of small children waiting to be seen, including one little girl whose mother wasn't too happy with the cover of Staked.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that every other book I read this week was by Meg Cabot. I'm thinking Angry Mom would have been a lot happier with the cover to one of the Princess Diary Books...



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