Saturday, May 03, 2008

Whose idea was this?

Cam and I went to see a play tonight. I'm not going to say the name of it because it was really awful and one of the performers is a friend of a friend, but I will say that whoever designed the lighting needs to rethink their objectives.

There was a spotlight onstage that periodically lit up and shone into the audience's eyes. It was aimed right at us. I had to hold my program up before my eyes and block the entire stage every time the thing came on. I've no idea what it was meant to do but I doubt this was its intended purpose.

The show itself was far too long, the first clocking in at more than ninety minutes, and dragged. I would have cut at least half an hour from the first act.

Now Cam has to write a review of it for his theater class.

Next up - picking a good song for him to sing for his final for the class. I'm leaning towards a Howard Ashman song but we may go with Sondheim.



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