Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nigel Marven

I watched a show called Rats with Nigel Marven today. I've never seen this guy before but I was struck by how daft he is. He gets bitten by a snake in the first ten minutes of the show because he's annoying it while it's trying to sleep off a big meal, namely a wallaby. If you look at that link he says Indiana Jones is afraid of rats but the line from the film is "Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?" At least I think so, maybe I'm the daft one.

I'm glad our rats weren't in the room since they eat one on the show.

The weirdest thing about the show is how much Mr. Marven looks like President Bush. More like the first President Bush than our second in some scenes, namely the one where he's standing on the veranda after the snake bite and before the sugar glider licks his hand for a long time. Maybe they're related?



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