What do you do if...
Dr. Bob answers a question from a member of a mixed status relationship here. If you are a negative and your partner is positive for HIV can you take an emergency pack with you in case your protection fails? The person who was asking was particularly concerned because they were going on a camping trip and wanted coverage. Dr. Bob's response is quite valuable, especially this part:
...if you have a starter pack always available, you could begin PEP within moments of an exposure, whether you're home or in the wild, thereby maximizing your chances of aborting a potential HIV infection. Check with your boyfriend's HIV specialist. He may be willing to set you up with a PEP starter pack. If not, the Frascino Medical Group will. We routinely offer this as well as discussing other measures for reducing potential HIV transmission to all the magnetic couples in the practice. (If you need help, call for an appointment, 650-917-1357.)
Just another reason he's so awesome.
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