Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quite miserable

I couldn't sleep last night. Annoyingly I also couldn't read or watch TV or play video games or any of the other things I normally do when I'm sleepless. I was exhausted and in a lot of pain from my surgery and I couldn't concentrate on anything.

I think I finally fell asleep around six and woke up a couple of times as my kids came and went, finally waking up for the day around 2:30, to discover I was in a shocking amount of pain. Not from the surgical site, which had been hurting yesterday, that is weirdly pretty much pain free, but from just about everywhere else. The sore throat from yesterday is worse, and I feel as though I've been strangled (yes, I've been strangled into unconsciousness by a crazy relative more than once so I do know what it's like). Thank God I'm now throwing up any more, I can only imagine what that would be like.

My neck is dreadfully sore, as are my arms, thighs, shoulders, back and ribs. I'm thinking some of that is from coughing so much but some of it is just mysterious. Now I'm quite dehydrated becacuse it hurts so much to swallow. Woe is me.

On the bright side Warner Bros was kind enough to send a copy of The Dark Knight for my consideration so Cam is brewing up a pot of tea and I'm going to try and drink that and watch the Joker and hopefully feel a little better.



At 7:23 PM, Blogger Ken Jacobsen said...

Feel better soon


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