Thursday, September 11, 2003

I've been thinking a fair amount about what Adam Duritz had to say about music snobbery and those who are unwilling to try anything new and I wanted to give him my thoughts so I just posted this over at his site in the leave a message for the band forum.

First of all I was one of the many who missed seeing you all at the Nissan Pavillion show in VA even though I left for the show at 3:30.

So I ran off down to Charlotte to see that show and to meet a friend I'd met at the message board I moderate. A. had never even heard one second of you all's music but he's really open to new music and the magic that makes a good rock show.

He's a musician and we talked a lot during the five days I was down there.

I had been asking on the board what the name of the Graceland album was, earning myself the name Dork, because A. and I talk a lot about music (his passion and mine) and film and writing (more my passion than his.)

On my drive to Charlotte, which was about 425 miles each way I listened to Graceland, Blur, the radio and Dean Koontz's Tick-Tock. I'd forgotten how much I love Tick-Tock.

I hated Graceland when it came out. Just hated it. Partly because of the horrid situation I was in when I had to listen to it but just partly because I was so into being a punk I would tune out most everything else.

Somehow along the way I started listening to a lot more music of all kinds. Recent bands I've learned to love would be The Eels, who do a terrific show, Five Iron Frenzy, Ben Folds, Dropkick Murphys, Less Than Jake and the list goes on. I'll listen to something my son or one of his friends are playing and I'll ask who it is and then I'll get it.

So being open to new music is really good but so is going back and trying music you used to hate. That's what I'm doing now. I'm revisiting music I despised and I'm finding I like quite a lot of it.

It works for books, films and food also. You never know unless you keep on trying new and old things. Don't stagnate, keep your blood and your thoughts flowing and you'll make it through anything. So says I and so it shall be.


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