Saturday, November 01, 2003

Sleep stuff

I went to sleep at 5:30 this morning. I had the craziest dream. I was on this game show. It was one of those dating shows but it was for parents who had a disabled child who had died or the spouse of a disabled person who died.

It was so strange. What would you call that? Who wants to date someone who's been through hell and back?

I got into this big argument with this woman about the nature of neural function. I was going on and on about action potentials, the disynaptic/post-synaptic inhibitory reflex, how much calcium and sodium an axon needs, how the impulse bridges the synaptic gap and I was using the entrance to get between the bar as a model for the synaptic gap.

The thing is, yes, Danny's SMA was caused by nerve failure. His anterior horn cells never functioned properly but I have never argued with someone about it at the cellular level. Especially not for a game show.

Then I was talking to Chris from England who was sitting next to me. I told him that I didn't like any of the candidates and could I just date him and he said he didn't qualify. Then I was in this parking garage talking to this really nice guy who's two little girls were disabled. It was crazy.

Writing stuff

Started the new novel. 500 words so far. I figure I need to hit about 2000 a day so I guess that's not too bad. I'm already having to fight the impulse to go back and change things. This is going to be so good for me. It's also going to be a huge challenge.


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