Baby steps towards getting a new brain doctor
I called Dr. Newman-Toker's office today to get an appointment with him. Because there is a possibility I will need brain surgery I have been too scared to even call him. After all Dr. Risamondo is treating my eyes so it's not nobody is looking after me but I do want a doctor who cares about all of me and works on taking care of the non visual symptoms. Dr. Newman-Toker's assistant who answered the phone said he wasn't taking new patients.
I offered to bribe him with candy, cash or flowers and when that didn't work asked if I could kill one of his existing patients and take their place. That last bit was a joke but I guess not a very funny one.
After I hung up I sent him an email because Zareh had said that Dr. NT really liked to communicate via email. I told him who I was, what was wrong and asked if there was any way he would take on a new patient. He wrote back very quickly to say he can't but thanks for the kind words and would I tell him more of my symptoms so he can direct me to a colleague. I'm hoping something good comes of this and I can get back to being healthy and working towards my acting and writing goals.
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