Saturday, February 18, 2006

Best Olympic Interview EVER

I just watched Shani Davis win the gold medal in the 1000 meter long skate. It was an awesome race and he did a wonderful job.

He's been getting a lot of flak for "not having enough team spirit" - whatever that means. He didn't compete in a team event because he was concerned about being too tired for this race. Come on all you idiots giving him hell, if an athlete doesn't know his own body who does?

He did win the race with Joey Cheek coming in second, that was nice, I like Joey Cheek because of his charity work at the Olympics, and it was terrific.

Then this fluffy blonde chick tried to interview him but he wasn't giving her the responses she wanted to hear. She started stammering and panicking, you could tell she couldn't think of what to say when the athletes didn't give cliched responses. Finally, and this was only after a few questions, she asks "Are you angry?"

Oh my God, I never thought I would laugh so hard watching the results of a skating race. She turned into the typical insecure chick who thinks a talk with a dude isn't going well. "Honey, are you mad? Is it me? Do you think I'm fat?" It was hilarious.

He said no, he was at a loss for words.

You know what I think? I think he didn't want to give the people who were nasty to him any of what he was feeling. They didn't deserve it. Kind of like the story of the little red hen, she grew the grain, harvested it, ground it, baked the bread and then everyone wanted to share it.

This story, We Have Always Spoken Panglish, from the sci fi website about language might help explain what I mean. I was thinking about it after the interview, the part about letting the language die rather than letting the overlords have it.


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