Monday, October 02, 2006

Someone at the fortune cookie factory ran out of words

My fortune just said "Have a beautiful day."

Let's see, I sprained my hand and typing hurts so very quickly:

I donated twenty bucks to John M. Ford's endowment at the Minneapolis Library, not a lot but then we don't have a lot to spare.

Speaking of not having a lot, my ex dropped the kids' health insurance while swearing under penalty of perjury that he was paying more than a thousand dollars a month in COBRA payments to keep them insured so that I by the time I found out he had perjured himself it was too late to add the boys to my health insurance.

Which means that when Cullen passed out yesterday and injured his neck we had no health insurance and heavens knows how much the ER visit was, or indeed how much his needed trip to the cardiologist and Holter monitoring is going to run us...

And Uncle Jim wrote something very important that everyone who is in the military should read. I'm going to copy and paste into a new post.

We went to see Neil at a reading for Fragile Things on Friday which was very nice. I had a chance to talk to DanGuy, who was doing something wonderful. He had bought every copy of Mike's books that were at the used book stores and handed them out at the reading to those waiting.

I tried to thank Neil for having Fiddler's Green because otherwise we would never have been able to meet Mike in person but I started crying and stuttering and couldn't talk - I think he still figured out what I meant, he was awfully nice, holding my hands until I could get my breath and he didn't seem to think I was a total overly emotional idiot...

Politics and Prose was extremely helpful to me when I emailed them to say I had concerns about attending the reading in the new venue. Michael Link, the ops manager reserved seats for us and minimized any walking I had to do.

I can't recall if I mentioned that the Johns Hopkins doctor said that it sure looks as though the IVC filter has filled up with clots and that's why I have so much trouble standing or walking, the blood is not circulating. Bummer but at least having a reason for it made me feel a little better. The new plan is to try swimming three times a week as he says I just plain won't be able to walk, treadmill, bike, or run like a normal person.

The event at Politics and Prose was the first time that I asked someone for help with my increasingly annoying disability and it worked pretty well.

I'm thinking of going ahead and applying for handicapped plates - yesterday it was quite difficult getting Cullen to the ER, parking and walking by myself from the parking lot without fainting. Then pushing him in his wheelchair with my hand sprained was kind of a comedy of errors. Oh love, how entertaining it all is.


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