Sunday, September 09, 2007

Search and Rescue for those who don't get around so well

Amazon's Mechanical Turk sent me an email this morning asking if I wanted to take part in the search for Steve Fossett, the missing aviator. He's believed to be in Nevada but I could help here in Maryland by looking at satellite images of the area where he might be. If I see anything I mark it and experts look at it.

I spent a few hours looking at images and mostly saw trees. At one point I saw some snow and two houses and three cars but mostly just trees.

I read an article this afternoon that said that the people who are actually flying around looking are having false hopes dashed because so many old plane crash sites are being discovered and that the discovery of these older planes shows how much better the technology in the S and R planes is than in previous efforts. But I wonder if it is technology on the planes or if it's technology on thousands of computers around the world with thousands of volunteers poring over streaming satellite images.


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