Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ratty quiz

Cam and I are thinking of building a cage for the new ratty girls. Our original plan after Paws died was to get one new girl to keep Karma company. But then we couldn't put the new girl in with her right away because she would have beaten it up so we got three new girls with the intent of two in each cage, Karma and one new girl and two other new girls together and all three new girls together until one could move in with Karma. Got that?

But then Karma died and we can't put just one in a cage by herself because that would be mean. The trouble is neither of our cages are big enough for all three girls.

So I'm looking online for awesome rat cage plans and I find something nifty called the grotto and while exploring the site further I find this page of quizzes and such.

My very favourite, which made me laugh like a maniac, is the rataholics quiz, particularly question number two:

2. Someone says "Euuuw!!" when you mention you have pet rats. You:
a. Sigh and forgive them for their ignorance and intolerance
b. Try to explain to them why rats make such great pets
c. Pull two rats from your shirt, kiss their furry bellies and wave their tails in the persons face



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