Friday, November 09, 2007

RIP Karma

Karma, Paws' sister, died yesterday. I am still rather stunned. She'd developed a mammary tumor but it was still very small. But she had some symptoms of possibly another tumor that we couldn't see, some personality change, loss of energy, hair loss, and just being kind of blah. She lost weight very rapidly, and unlike Paws had none to lose, so I tried her on some more fattening food but to no avail. I had just suggested to Cam that we start her on syrup a couple times a day to help keep her weight on when he opened her cage and found her body. Unlike Paws she was walking fine as late as yesterday morning so I'm somewhat baffled. The only thing is her breathing was strange and she was making funny noises, although she didn't look like she was in distress. I thought it was the cat throwing up again (he's had a couple of hair balls.) Cullen thinks maybe Karma had a tumor that kind of wrecked something and gave her a stroke. Sigh. Too much sadness.


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