WGA strike
The WGA strike starts on Monday. So far I'm disgusted with certain websites that are telling their members to try really hard to sell scripts during the strike, making statements like the new power players are going to be those who sell during the strike. No, see if you sell during the strike you're what's called a scab. You're saying you don't believe in a fair wage for a fair day's work and that you don't believe in solidarity.
I remember when we, that is SAG members, were on strike several years ago and Ridley Scott's company ran this god awful full page ad with a picture of an older topless African woman that read something like this "In Africa, this is what SAG means." The whole point was you should take your film to Africa and avoid the strike. I think it was the first time I actually saw red with rage, I was so pissed off on so many levels. Oh yeah, they apologized, or someone apologized, like that changed anything. Demeaning, sexist, ageist, racist, classist, asshole ads are still demeaning, sexist, ageist, racist, classist, asshole ads even if you apologize afterwards.
To this day every time I see Liz Hurley I tell the kids she worked as a scab during the strike in 2000. She said she didn't know about it (WTF?). Because you know, it's not like it was worldwide headline news or her agent or anyone knew. Ugh.
SAG is strongly supporting the WGA strike. If I were in LA I'd make sure I spent some time on the picket lines to show my support. I'll have to keep my eyes open and see if there's anything going on here.
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