Sunday, December 09, 2007

Wonderful film

I watched Volver last night, starring Penelope Cruz as Raimundo, a beautiful mother, daughter, sister who has a tragic past and a current crisis. There are many secrets and mysteries that are deftly revealed throughout the course of the story. Raimundo has a daughter called Paula and comes home one day to find that Paula has killed Paco, the man she believed to be her father, who tried to force himself on her. Raimundo is stunned and tells her daughter she must make everyone believe that is was Raimundo who killed Paco. She then sets about trying to hide the body and keep going as though everything were normal while all around her the past tries to overwhelm the present.

I was repeatedly struck by just how beautiful Ms. Cruz is, with these huge dark eyes and flashing vitality. And her clothes, her character is bursting with style. If you can't bear to read subtitles and you don't speak Spanish you could watch this film just to enjoy the scenery, including Tia Paula's house, which is old and beautiful with this amazing wooden front door that stole every scene it was in.

I'll probably end watching this movie again before it goes off the air.



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