My cameraman is back from Europe.
My friend Lori is publishing a story in an anthology that includes work by Stephen King.
I found a great new comic I love. Okay, new to me. It's called 9 Chickweed Lane.
The dealio is that I have to subscribe to continue getting Dilbert online. It's like ten bucks a year. I want my ten bucks worth so I signed up for every single cartoon I could. So now I am reading the archives of 9 Chickweed Lane. I love having new archives to read.
Hmm, what else. Oh yes, I read all 546 emails I have in my one hotmail account and I have some idea of some dialogue that will comprise one of Sutter's romances. Poor Sutter. She's having a really hard time. Okay not right this second, right now she is kissing Eric so he's having the hard time - ha ha, I am so silly.
My Dr. told me to start dating. That it will take up some of the vacuum Danny left behind. I don't know. Is it really that simple? I don't even know how to start dating. Madre de Dios.
Whoa I am tired. I'm off for the night.
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