Sunday, October 31, 2004

In which Chris’s cat gives me a good scare

I’m sitting here playing insanequarium, awesome game, and wondering why there are aliens in my fish tank, thinking if I had something like that one guy with the hair in mine I would be tempted to dump in some Clorox or something, and I hear this tremendous commotion from the window behind me.

I have the window open as I usually do when the weather is nice. I usually open the one that is the furthest from where I sit but today I opened the one closest which seems to have confused the cats. They love to come and sit outside on the ledge. My room is on the second floor and despite the neighbour girl’s attempts to get the cats to jump down they have so far resisted all urges to leap. Even the squirrels that come and shriek at them all day long don’t make the cats lose their sense of the laws of physics and cat injuries so I feel safe letting them sit out there as much as they want to.

George, Chris’s orange cat, is going nuts whacking at the window with his paw. At first I think he is confused about how to get out but then this thing comes flying across the room and lands on my leg. It’s a stunned, pissed off yellow jacket.

Now mind you I am allergic to vespids, which include the yellow jacket family. I also noticed a couple of days ago that my epi-pen expired quite some time ago. So I am less than thrilled that this denizen of death is twitching on my leg. Chris is at work and Cul and Cam are with their dad for the weekend. I can’t just yell for someone to come and remove this thing which is my default idea.

A part of me thinks how funny it would be for me to die from some stupid yellow jacket sting after I finally went to all the trouble of setting those health goals while another part just wonders what I am going to do and how I am going to keep from being stung when I pick it up off my leg. You probably think I could just move my leg and it would fall off but I was sitting on the bed in a funny position and I would have really agitated this vespid if I started trying to use gravity to get rid of it. Plus this way at least I knew where it was. I’d rather have it on my leg than under my leg.

I finally picked up a credit card receipt that was sitting on my desk and scooped up the yellow jacket. It started to protest just as I was dumping it out the window but I succeeded in my mission.

It was so freaky. What are the odds of the cat precisely batting this thing right onto me like that? Gives me the willies just thinking about it.


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