Saturday, March 05, 2005

A really great idea for those of us with PTC aka BIH aka IIH

I was talking to a friend the other day about whether or not I should get the shunt surgery. He thinks its a terrible idea. He thinks I am going to end up simple. I think the gist of his and Cullen's feelings are that so long as my symptoms are physical then I should avoid surgery because the essential me is unchanged. My personality and intelligence are what are important not the fact that I throw up seven times a day. That is of course my own interpretation.

My friend pointed out that we only use ten percent of our brains so if I could just find the right ten percent and remove the other ninety percent I should be fine.

This is such an excellent point. The real problem with PTC is not too much spinal fluid, it's that old law that you can't have two things in one place. So if you remove most of the brain you have lots of room for the fluid, right?

The big problem of course is removing the useless bits. Proper mapping of the brain is essential. I'm thinking all I need are Mapquest, an ice cream scoop and a way to get through my skull and I am all set.


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