Saturday, February 25, 2006

Night Becomes Day and Day Becomes Night

I'm still struggling with this stupid lung thing. The biggest problem I have is that the cough medicine makes me sleepy, but not enough to actually make me get some decent sleep, just enough to make it almost impossible to do anything. Too woozy to think or get anything difficult done but too much coughing to sleep.

Today I spent the morning sorting through old files, EOBs, school papers, etc. from 1995 - 1996, throwing away a ginormous trash bag full of paper. Then I sort of fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep, blah de blah until about nine pm when I woke up and started feeling like maybe I could accomplish something.

I posted a couple of ads for the new messageboard up at craigslist and bought Chris some birthday presents. And now I should go to sleep but am more awake than I've been all week.

That's it. What a fun and exciting day. W00t!


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