Is this food or "food"?
From an audition notice I got:
BRAINBOX ENTERTAINTMENT, LLC is looking for bright, energetic, expressive actors (male & female) in their mid-twenties to serve as "human guinea pigs" for a new food science pilot for a top cable network! This is a great opportunity to get tape of yourself and work with seasoned industry professionals. Candidates must have acting experience. Shooting will take place over three days, tentatively scheduled for the last week of February and/or the first week of March in Baltimore. A small stipend will be provided. Please email head shots and links to any online media to Additionally, please email snapshots of your reactions to the following: smelling something rotten, tasting something really spicy, feeling nauseated. Auditions will be held the week of 2/18, exact date TBD.
Doesn't that sound fabulous?
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