Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nothing but good news this week

Coraline the graphic novel got a starred review at Kirkus, calling it "deliciously dark," an expression I'm wondering if I've used before.

Mongol opens this weekend. It was nominated for an Academy Award for best foreign picture and I've been curious to see it ever since. It's about Genghis Kahn's youth and childhood, stopping when he becomes the almost unstoppable war machine of his later days.

I'm reading Personal Demon by Kelley Armstrong and it's as good as the rest of the series. If you haven't read my comments about her previous books up at you may want to. Or better yet just go and get them. The first one is a little distant but man, one of them almost gave me heart failure.

Chris comes home from school tommorow and Cam has his last day of tenth grade. Cam sings for graduation on Saturday, at a big arena, for probably the biggest audience of his life. If you know, we don't count all the people who saw Hannibal...

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