A new doctor
I went to see the doctor I used to work for today. He's a chiropractic neurologist. I have not seen him in some time, mostly because my insurance was negative about paying for a chiropractor and it is just hard for me to get out of the house and go see him on a regular basis. Plus I have had such a ridiculous run of medical problems I hated to go in there with a litany of more.
But a friend of mine was giving me crap on Friday and saying I am avoiding medical care so I gave in and went to see Dr. Olson today. It was a good visit for a lot of reasons. He listened to me very carefully and he asked questions and he is concerned. He's known me for a long time and he knows I am not tired and slow because I am fat he knows it is because I am sick.
I told him that I think this whole idea of dehydrating my whole body in the hope of bringing down the level of fluid in my head is ridiculous. That is four year old thinking. Some little kid would pipe up with this idea at the dinner table and the adults would smile but really be thinking "Sure kid, go back to your peas and leave the talk to the adults."
Dr. Olson is not sure if he can help me but I feel better already. Maybe it is just a temporary thing but I was able to take the kids out to dinner, go shopping at the goodwill for 26 more books and get haircuts and I still have not thrown up so I say hoorah to even the most temporary of fixes.
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