Monday, November 08, 2004

Annoying writing problem

I'm really struggling with this book. I don't just mean all the normal struggling of trying do the improbably by writing 50,000 words in a month where I am going away from the computer for several days, or a month in which I struggle with a brain trauma, I mean a problem that I think has been brought on by writing scripts.

I have trouble writing in the past. Screenplays are all present tense. Miami slaps Gilbert with her beaded evening purse. He laughs, tries to kiss her, and runs up the stairs. I like that style of writing and after writing three features and some shorts in the last four years I tend to gravitate to it naturally and I have to force myself to write in the past, like so:

She had a sudden insane urge to grab her computer and keep it safe. She took a step towards it and then KERASH BANG BOOM the front door came flying off its hinges and there was Glenda armed with the biggest guns Xodiac had ever seen.

Now that I am on page 69 I am getting over the problem of tense and am having a big problem with he said she said. When you write a script you get to put the character's name over their heads, so to speak.

You're acting like a fishwife.

Instead of

Xoda fluttered her eyelashes as him. "I declare Carl if you aren't just the soul of romanticism."

"He does all right." Luci gave him a squeeze. "Now let him finish pretending to be your big brother."

It's not hard when you've got two people talking but in many of my scenes I have three or four people talking. I don't want to say Xodiac said every single line but I don't want the reader to get confused either. It's very hard for me. Maybe I should err on the side of too many identifiers. After all it could only help my word count, right?


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