I love that feeling I have when I am sleepy and I can just give in and sleep as much as I want to. So often I am simply not sleepy or I have to stay awake because I am working and then when I get done working I am no longer sleepy.
The height of luxury is that intense feeling washing over me, the hypnogogueic images and then sinking down into a sea of dreams.
My dreams of late have been disappointing in the extreme. I have been dreaming about my job. Specifically I have been dreaming that I am reading the posting of three or four people from the Vine. The ennoying thing is that these posters are boring and repetitious and reading their stuff is kind of like listening to the plot of a Space Warrior Dudes rerun as told by a three year old with a stutter and a lisp.
Normally I don't mind reading in my sleep. I have read the most amazing things and awoken still clutching at the book, feeling it shred in my hands as reality intrudes but dear God if those Vine dreams had kept up much longer I would have started my own sleep deprivation study.
Yesterday I was extremely sick. I had terrible chest pains and I kept thinking I should maybe go to the ER but was too sick to take myself. On the one hand I think anyone who called up the ER and said I have a history of blood clots and a pulmonary embolism and this morning I am puking blood and I hurt so much I can't sit up or lie down would get a fervent then come on in! from the person on the other line.
It would certainly be my own advice to anyone who had those symptoms.
On the other hand I have been vomiting quite a lot from this PTC and I have been to the hospital before with these symptoms and only once was it a pulmonary embolism. Yes I am quite aware that it only takes once and that will be the end of wondering if I require treatment.
But I am feeling much better today and I am very sleepy and gave in and had the most beautiful dream of living in this lovely place all filled with light and water and a dear friend was there with me and we were sitting there talking and the kids were swimming and next door someone was watching a soap opera called The Cigarette Girl which featured a character named after me who was trying to work her way out of being framed for the murder of a stripper, a stripper who was very much alive and listening on the other side of the door as Ms. TV Georgiana was pacing around trying to decide what to do and finally crawling up onto a ledge and escaping her building that way. It was good times.