Project Greenlight three top six scripts
I finally gave in and started reading these today. I read one called 6th Street Boyz and one called Wildcard.
Boyz was a vampire movie set in the gang life of a small town in California. Lost Boys meets West Side Story with no dancing, singing, humour or anything at all interesting or compelling. I have no idea why this script made it past the first round. It worries me that people read this stuff and think that is the best we have to offer when I have personally read hundreds of much better unproduced scripts.
Once again the author proved that you need to shell out for a proofreader. Of course it will not help with the lack of plot or character development but at least the reader won't be cringing over stuff like INT. VAMPIRE LARE. Oh and a little history of any weird medical stuff you are trying to do would be good. AB- is the rarest of the blood types yes but not as rare it needs to be for this script.
Wildcard was much better. But still I reached this point where I thought this is ridiculous. Still miles away a better script than the other. It reminded a lot of Alan's con man script.
I am hoping that I will like the winning script but I don't know.