Part of the text of an email to my friend Jose which pretty much sums up my brain stuff.
Eh yesterday was kind of a sucky day for me. Everything was bad and it was my birthday so it seemed particulary unfair but on the other hand my mom no doubt went though some pain on my birthday so maybe it is fitting.
I'm a little discouraged because I was hoping i would be much better. My vision is still pretty iffy and it comes and goes. Right now it is pretty good but suddenly it will just fuzz out or I'll start seeing things that aren't there. Most of the auditory stuff went away but the occasional high pitched mosquito starting his motorcycle noise comes around a few times a day.
I'm kind of worried that this is as good as I will get. I am very sensitive to light and working on the set was really hard because the lights are so strong. I could draw you a map of my retina by now because I see it so often.
But you know it could be worse. Five percent of people who get this end up blind in at least one eye and I can still see. In fact I get to see things that aren't there and I don't even have to take any mind altereing chemicals.
And I can hear just fine so that's good because you know how important my music is to me. Most of the feeling in my face came back. So that's all good.
Thank you for the compliment. I keep dreaming that I am touring and doing stand-up again or motivational speaking in front of these huge audiences. It's very nice to get all that applause.
Did you know I finally finished my most recent script? It;s supposed to be horror but when I get stressed out I tend to crack a lot of jokes so it just got funnier and funnier. Chuck has read the first half. That sounds kind of odd but it's written in a format like Creep Show so there are three disticnt stories although the last one is only six or so pages long. I entered it in PGL3. I will find out on the 25th if it moved up to the next level.
Okay time for me to work on my blog. I don't know if you know that I am wriitng a novel in my blog. I got so discouraged and scatter brained that i didn't work on it for a month. Of course I did write 50 pages of my script in two weeks of that time but still. Time to catch up.
Talk to you soon,
PS - I am supposed to get new headshots in a couple of months so I will send you one when I get them. The photographer is a friend of my favourite casting director and he said this guy will do pictures I actually like.