Deeply Disturbing Article About "Health Worker's Rights"
This article is quite frightening. It's all about proposed legislation that protects medical personnel who choose to not treat based on discrimination. So doctors who don't want to treat gays and lesbians wouldn't have to.
An attorney who represented an ambulance driver who refused to transport a woman to the hospital for an abortion is quoted. They don't give details but an abortion is the medical term for any pregnancy that ends early with a nonviable fetus. When my baby died at thirteen weeks and I nearly bled to death and had a d and c, that was called an inevitable abortion. So a woman who is taking an ambulance to the hospital for an abortion sounds to me like a woman who needs immediate emergency care and to deny her the transport is criminal and sinful. I can't imagine why else a woman would take an ambulance to the hospital to get an abortion.
Now look at this:
At least five of the broad bills would allow insurance companies to opt out of covering services they find objectionable for religious reasons. A sixth state, Pennsylvania, is considering a bill designed for insurers.
What the fuck? News flash - an insurance company is physically incapable of having a religion. This is so ridiculous I can't believe it.
And how about this?
Doctors opposed to fetal tissue research, for example, could refuse to notify parents that their child was due for a chicken pox inoculation because the vaccine was originally produced using fetal tissue cell cultures, said R. Alto Charo, a bioethicist at the University of Wisconsin.
Skipping past the fact that it would be really freaking weird to make a chicken pox inoculation from fetal tissue cell culture and the fact that I am emphatically against the chicken pox inoculation in the first place, let's look at this with the emotion stripped away.
It is so difficult to get decent medical care already. When doctors can just ignore protocol because they don't like it what hope do we have? Who is going to watch out for us? Are we all supposed to memorize protocols so we know nothing is skipped? I weep.